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Washington Center for Psychoanalysis

Modern Perspectives on Psychotherapy is an offering of the Washington Center for Psychoanalysis. We offer comprehensive training to professionals from a variety of disciplines. The program is distinctive in the following ways:

The program consists of three independent self-contained years. Thus, once the program is underway, new students will join the ongoing rotation each year.

Each year’s curriculum will include courses in technique, human development, interviewing and assessment, and psychopathology, taught from a mix of theoretical perspectives.

In addition, each year will have a special focus in its basic theory course. In one year we will be studying Modern Freudian theory, in a second year the Modern Kleinian perspective, and in a third year Modern Relational theories. Because each year is composed as an integrated set of courses, the sequence can be taken in any order.

Expressing our commitment to modernity, the readings in all the courses will be selected primarily from the contemporary literature. We understand that our present theories of psychotherapy have developed by the progressive elaboration of earlier models, and thus we expect that the current literature reflects the acquired wisdom of our field.

Classes meet on Thursday evenings from 4:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Class sizes will be kept small to maximize student involvement.

2012-2013 Academic Calendar

Classes begin September 6, 2012.

Modern Relational Perspectives,
Modern Freudian Approach,
Modern Kleinian Perspective.